We believe that support and services should be available for any family who is expecting or experiences the loss of a baby, without creating a financial burden in addition to their grief. Because of this, Emerald Doulas is proud to offer our Rainbow Fund.

What is the Rainbow Fund?

Our Rainbow Fund allows families to receive this support, while at the same time compensating our team members with a living wage for their important and valuable work. By gifting money or unused postpartum hours into this fund, our clients who experience a stillbirth or infant loss during or after birth receive, at no cost to them: 

  • Bereavement Birth Doula Support during labor, birth, and the moments when they meet their baby, so that they have the support the need as they say goodbye.

  • Postpartum Doula Support into their transition home, or in the days and weeks that follow a loss, to help unpack bags, cook nourishing meals, and provide emotional support to the family

  • Photography Services during pregnancy, birth, and/or the first hours Earthside

  • Lactation & Infant Feeding Services to help navigate the options of stopping milk production, or pumping and donating milk.

How can you contribute? 

Community Members are welcomed and encouraged to help make our Rainbow Fund flourish. Anyone is able to gift money to this fund by contributing through the link below. Alternatively, clients who have unused gift certificates, or unredeemed postpartum hours are able to designate those services to benefit this fund. 

Contributions to our Rainbow Fund are a meaningful way to celebrate your baby’s first birthday, to honor or recognize the impact our support made for your family, or to “pay it forward” to families who may need this support in the future. 

Who can benefit from the Rainbow Fund? 

At this time, our Rainbow Fund is limited to clients of Emerald Doulas who experience a loss during pregnancy or birth. In the near future, we hope to expand our support to any family in the Triangle who needs it. All gifted money is used to pay our staff for services provided. Emerald Doulas, LLC does not monetarily profit from this fund.
